Sunday, May 25, 2008


The internet has quickly become apart of our everyday activities, not only has it become an information resource but I have noticed (particulalry in the last year or so) that it has begun to take the place of other technology devices. My mobile phone has been shafted as a means of getting my bank balance; instead the net provides a quick and easy way to check my sad balance and statements (often depressing on a Sunday morning) minus the automatic voice service that drives me nuts and classic hits playing while I'm casually put on hold for fifteen minutes. It has also become a common, and very distracting way to communicate with friends - facebook has been and will continue to be a tool that is extremely detrimental to my study. It does, however allow me to stay in touch with mates overseas with no cost involved, as oppose to a phone call which costs both parties money they don't have and avoids 3am wake up calls from mates on contiki in Europe!
The progression of the internet has been quick. From the tedious tune of dial up, to wireless, now it can be accessed on your cell. Cellphone access is however, a bit of a tax - pricey and hard to figure out for a techno gimp such as myself. Reading over Byron's blog however, I did get interested in the iphone! My friend has one and I did have a quick squiz, wasn't overly tricky to work and looked very suave in my hot little hand. The iphone is the ultimate example of convergence with cell, mp3, camera, video and web browser all compacted into one wee device that can be carried around in your pocket. Josephine makes a good point in the importance of durability and reliability of such a product, there would be nothing more frustrating (as I'm sure we are all familiar with laptops freezing or no signal on Sky digital...) than it crapping out on you. But more to the point, I think that the internet is definitely apart of everyday life, we barely even notice it as a tool anymore, its just there... and when its not, its sorely missed ie; when there is absolutely nothing on television - no wireless in my flat :(
Thats it from me, I'm off! One more blog down (playing catch up sucks big time)

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